News and Thoughts
Watch Some of Gill's Past Webinars
The Chartered Institute of Fundraising presents a webinar with leading expert Gill Jolly to help you maximise your fundraising income in challenging times. Watch the webinar here.
The Chartered Institute of Fundraising presents a webinar to help heritage organisations avoid mission drift in fundraising. Watch the webinar here.
Why the fundraising landscape matters for a charity’s resilience and recovery. Watch the webinar here.
A fundraising plan is a must to enable your organisation to have the confidence that it can generate income and run the services it provides. Watch the webinar here.
Fundraising is ineffective when it’s a one-way process. Watch the webinar here.
Many charities are keen to tap into digital opportunities both to raise money but also to maintain relationships with donors. Watch the webinar here.
Watch our recorded Q&A digital fundraising webinar where your questions are answered by an expert panel. Watch the webinar here.
Working with the Directory of Social Change we brought together an expert panel who shared their tips on all things corporate fundraising. Watch the webinar here.
Top tips into how you can better secure funding for your church’s essential day-to-day costs. Watch the webinar here.
Archived Posts

Forthcoming public training Gill Jolly is delivering
As a trainer with the Chartered Institute of Fundraising Academy Gill delivers a range of virtual training courses. Topics she trains on with the CIOF

Fundraising involves effective communications
Words and language need to be carefully selected in our messages whether they are to be communicated verbally or in some form of written format.

What The Current Environment Shows Us About Donor Motivations
Gill Jolly, from the CIOF Health Special Interest Group, says that there are lessons to be learnt from Captain Tom’s fundraising efforts and from the

Coping With COVID-19
Fundraising in a pandemic These are tough times for charities, with many loosing income from some of their tried and trusted methods as events and

Emergency Funders To Help With The COVID-19 Crisis
If you are thinking about applying to funders, you can find a range of emergency funders available below. Please let us know how you get